Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation funds the grant: “Dissecting the antileukemic potential of a novel dual metabolic inhibitor”
Dr. Herranz selected as a 2022 AACR NextGen Star!
Dr. Herranz publishes editorial comment in Haematologica
Komal Mandleywala rotating in the Herranz Lab
Komal will rotate with us during this year’s first rotation, hope you like it here and stay for the long run Komal!
Dr. Herranz recognized as a world-expert in T-ALL by Expertscape
FASEB Abstract Award for Vicky
Vicky presents a poster at the FASEB Hematolgical Malignanices conference and obtains the Abstract Award. CONGRATULATIONS VICKY!
FASEB Outstanding Abstract Award for Luca
Luca is selected for an oral talk at the FASEB Hematolgical Malignanices conference and obtains the Outstanding Abstract Award. CONGRATULATIONS LUCA!
Patricia Renck Nunes obtains a postdoctoral fellowship from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR)
This 2-year fellowship will allow Patricia to explore the role of ACLY in T-ALL, congrats Pat!
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) funds the Herranz Lab
Really honored for the AACR-Bayer Cancer Discovery & Innovation grant!
Ludwig Princeton Branch funds the Herranz Lab!
Thankful for this opportunity to investigate dietary interventions in leukemia with the best possible collaborators